My Projects > My Home |
Users can access through the tab MyHome in PRO Club website, but the microsite is also available at the following public URL:
My Home is an online Sizing Wizard tool, which gives a first advice to the users on the most suitable Panasonic device to their home.
By completing a short test made of 5 simple steps, users get a recommendation for a Panasonic device of the Domestic or Aquarea Range. Once the test is completed, users can read more about recommended devices and/or contact Panasonic for more info. MyHome Form is shared with the one developed for the module My Project.
The first page of results displayed once the test is completed shows the estimated consumption per year in W/h.
Users can contact Panasonic (they are redirected on the contact form My Project) and/or look for more information about Panasonic devices.
Depending on how you will setup the Admin Area, they will either access to a specific model suggestion (air/air), which is a detailed product sheet with specs and pictures, or they will be redirected to the URL of your choice.
For Aquarea, there is no model suggestion possible since the product range is too complicated to resume for the end user. For air/air line up, it is up to you to present general information and eventually a specific model suggestion.
This depends on your strategy and on the time you are able to dedicate to the maintenance of the module. If you chose to activate model suggestion, it is necessary that you update models every year for example. EU default version is configured with Etherea 2012 line-up. Line-up can be modified/added/deleted at your convenience.
Important Note:
If you do not want to publish any model suggestions with product info sheet, you have nothing to do. Just leave the module “deactivated” in My Home -> Products, as shown in the screenshot below.
If you wish to activate product info sheet in the Admin Area, Etherea models of 2012 line-up will show up according to the sizing test result. (EU default version)
This EU default version can be modified at your convenience: line-up can be modified/added/deleted
If you prefer to keep this part offline, users will not see this page and will be redirected to the URL of your choice.
If users wish to contact Panasonic after completing the Test, a notification will be sent by email to the intern contacts indicated in MyProject -> Email setup and the request will be manageable through the subsection Contact Requests
In the control panel, it is easy to differentiate between requests from Project Support and requests from My Home Sizing Wizard thanks to small boxes
In addition, the test result with recommended device(s) is displayed in the contact request to make its treatment easier for Panasonic.
If you do not wish to publish Product Info Sheets in the Results, you can skip this section.
If you would like to have individual devices online, add line up, or modify existing product sheets… please go to My Home –> Products
Preconfigured default version includes Etherea Line up for air/air products
Additional air/air line-up can be modified/added/deleted at your convenience
In this way, models of different line up can appear in the result page (Option 1 – Option 2…)
Calculation parameters are configurable to take into account the specificities of each country, subject to different climates for example … Before you modify some variables, please make sure that new data is correct, otherwise the results of My Home will be skewed.
If you make a mistake, you can easily restore default settings with a simple click.